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UL Listed Profiles

Advantage Sheet Metal is proud to feature more than 65 UL listed sheet metal profiles. UL (Underwriters Laboratories) is an independent, not-for-profit product safety testing and certification organization, founded in 1894. Underwriters Laboratories has become the world’s best known independent product safety certification organization. Millions of products and their components are tested to UL’s rigorous safety standards.
A published list stating the product has been tested to and complies with the applicable Standard and maintains periodic inspection to assure production of the listed products are in accordance with the listing. Having UL Listing guarantees that the product fully complies with each and every one of UL’s requirements in the applicable Standard, and the manufacturer’s product can then bear the UL Mark.

Reasons to use UL Listed products:
 1. Third Party Certification

The UL listing is called a “Third Party Certification”. This certification provides an unbiased safety assurance to interested parties including the manufacturer, the specifier, and the consumer. UL’s field reps worldwide conduct periodic, unannounced on site inspections of UL-certified products in the manufacturer’s factory. The product is verified as being fully compliant with a set of rules governing the product. Another part of the agreement is traceable labels. Each product listed must have a label affixed to the product traceable to the manufacturer through Underwriters Laboratories.

2. Listed and Classified Products

They are not the same, in fact Classified products have been evaluated only for specific properties, a limited range of hazards, or suitability for use under limited conditions. If a product is Classified by UL, this can mean its testing meets the particular requirements for a single test with a published result, but has nothing to do with all the other tests that may form part of a Standard (i.e., UL 181).

3. UL Listing and Compliance

If products comply to some parts of specific UL Standard, this can mean their testing only meets that part of the Standard, but the products do not fully conform with the UL requirements. Be sure the company you go with is in full compliance, because if only partial, it is not a true UL listed product.

4. UL’s Directory

The Online Certifications Directory includes the names of companies authorized to use the UL Mark on or in connection with products in compliance with UL’s requirements. If you wish to view that a product is UL Listed, then either use the web address and the Online Certifications Directory tab searching for a company name e.g. Advantage Sheet Metal or UL file number, alternatively type in the link below or search company name e.g. ‘Advantage Sheet Metal’.